Legend of the Five Rings Clans Wiki
Zombie Paneki 2

Welcome to the Legend of the Five Rings Clans Wiki[]

The Legend of the Five Rings has several interesting clans and all are very different from each

other in their own unique way. Here you will find plenty of information and pictures of each of these clans. There are 10 clans covered throughout this wiki and they are called: The Shadowlands and Spider, Phoenix, Dragon, Crab, Lion, Scorpion, Unicorn, Mantis, Crane, and the Unaligned characters.

Describe your topic[]

Legend of the Five Rings has a vast amount of clans. In this wiki you can find information, history, pictures, and cards of each clan. The best way to open a clan page is to type the name of the clan into the search box in the upper right corner of the page where it says, "search this wiki." Here is a list of the clans you can search for:

Crab Clan

Mantis Clan

Lion Clan

Crane Clan

Phoenix Clan

The Shadowlands & Spider Clan (just type The Shadowlands and the Spider Clan will load as well.)

Unicorn Clan

Dragon Clan

Scorpion Clan


Latest activity[]